Imagine being a little bird locked up in a cage only to sit on a perch, never to use your wings. But one day, someone carries your cage outside, lifts the door, and says “Fly, little one! Fly as God made you to!” Oh, the wonder and excitement, the joy and the rush from that first push off the door frame and into the open sky. After flying into freedom, you wouldn’t fly back into that cage again… or would you? So often that’s what we do after God releases us from shame or whatever prison our heart was in before. But freedom in Christ doesn’t come with a return address. When He says free, He means free.
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Stay plugged in to God's unlimited power
THIS IS A COMMUNITY WHERE WE CAN MEET, SHARE IDEAS, MESSAGE, AND GO DEEPER WITH OUR PEERS ON THE TOPICS WE CARE ABOUT MOST AND THE ONES WE FEEL LIKE WE CAN TALK AOBUT ONLY WITH THE FELLAS. AS THE CREATOR, I hope to explore different views, opinions, and ideas pertaining to a variety of things. I aim to give AND RECEIVE insight through my faith and belief, creative mind, passions, goals and ambitions. Hopefully, you can share as well so that we can HOLD EACH OTHER ACCOUNTABLE AND keep each other motivated in striving towards our goals, dreams, and purpose.
Trust and Remember the Lord in all you do and he will give you success
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