How often do we mix the two? Most people I talk to assume when they hear "their calling," what’s really meant is "their vocation." But the place that will pay you is not the determining factor to your destiny.
The natural world says to have more you need to earn more. But truthfully there is no amount of money that will make YOU a better YOU. Doing what you’re called to do and using the gifts God gave you will bring you a fulfillment money never will.
The real secret to fulfillment in your life is figuring out why you’re here and working out that purpose! It’s not to have more, but to BECOME more of who you are meant to be
I once heard it put this way: “We don’t just need money to live on, we need something to live for.”
Paul said it this way in Acts 20:24: I consider my life worthless. If I don’t do what God called me to do, if I don’t finish the race, what’s the point of running?
It’s not just for those written about in the Bible. God has something in you and for you to make a difference too. And believe me, it’s far greater than money!
If money weren’t a factor, what would you do?
Write down a list of things you’d like to be and be known for.