For some of us, prayer can seem complicated or overwhelming. Maybe when you think of prayer, you see an image of being on your knees for four hours straight with no breaks, saying excellently worded prayers to God, and reciting at least ten well-rehearsed memory verses. This example, as silly as it is, might be how some view prayer; but the Bible tells us that “we can come boldly into the throne room of our gracious God” (Hebrews 4:16). The Bible also tells us “to cast every care and worry on God because He cares about what is happening to us” (1 Peter 5:7). Let’s explore what is prayer and how we can incorporate it into our lives by looking at Jesus’s example and how He lived. Luke 5:16 says that “Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.” In other words, Jesus took time on a regular basis to talk with God. This might seem too simple but it really is that easy! Prayer doesn’t have to be a long-winded holy diction that you feel pressured to do. Prayer is simply talking with God, casting your cares on Him, telling Him how much you love Him, and reflecting on how you can continue to live by His will and His love. When we take time to withdraw and talk with God, we end up filled to overflowing with His love, and in deeper relationship with the One who created us.
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THIS IS A COMMUNITY WHERE WE CAN MEET, SHARE IDEAS, MESSAGE, AND GO DEEPER WITH OUR PEERS ON THE TOPICS WE CARE ABOUT MOST AND THE ONES WE FEEL LIKE WE CAN TALK AOBUT ONLY WITH THE FELLAS. AS THE CREATOR, I hope to explore different views, opinions, and ideas pertaining to a variety of things. I aim to give AND RECEIVE insight through my faith and belief, creative mind, passions, goals and ambitions. Hopefully, you can share as well so that we can HOLD EACH OTHER ACCOUNTABLE AND keep each other motivated in striving towards our goals, dreams, and purpose.
Trust and Remember the Lord in all you do and he will give you success
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