1. Less nonsense — As time passes, life educates and humbles us. We gradually realize how much nonsense we have wasted our energy and resources on. And we begin to understand what it means to let go.
2. Heightened present awareness — If you worry too much about what might be, and wonder too long about what might have been, you will ignore and completely miss what is. The key is to let go and be present. Don’t wish away your whole day today waiting for better ones ahead. Just appreciate where you are. You've come a long way to get here, and you're still learning and growing.
3. Extra sanity — Some people just aren’t ready to understand, and it’s not your job to rush them, change them, or teach them today. Prioritize your sanity. Remember, learning to let go of certain expectations, and detach from certain people for a while, are two of the core paths to inner peace.
4. A deeper sense of self-worth — Sometimes we let go, not because we suddenly need others to realize and acknowledge our worth, but because we have gradually learned to realize and acknowledge our own worth.
5. Inner calmness — Once you begin to value your inner peace over your need to hold on, engage, react, or be right, you will in fact begin to feel more centered and calmer.
6. More freedom — Nothing is permanent. When you understand this, you can do almost anything you wish because you're not trying to hold onto anything anymore. Let this sink in. It’s all about accepting what is, letting go of what was, and having faith in your journey...
Think about how these points relate to your life right now.
Letting go isn’t about having the ability and courage to release control—it’s about having the wisdom and strength to embrace the present reality.
In many ways, it's about gaining faith...
Yes, a big part of practicing letting go is gradually renewing your faith in yourself. This ‘renewed faith’ means finding the willingness to live with uncertainty, to feel your way through each day, to let your intuition guide you like a flashlight in the dark.
It’s about standing firmly on your own two legs without the crutches you’ve been holding on to.
What if, for today, you choose to believe that you have enough and you are enough, without anything more?
What if, for today, you choose to believe that you are strong enough, wise enough, kind enough, and loved enough to take a step forward?
What if, for today, you choose to accept people exactly as they are, and life exactly as it is?
What if, as the sun sets on today, you choose to believe that the little bits of progress you made were more than enough for one day?
And what if, tomorrow, you choose to believe it all over again?
Practice making these choices.
Practice letting go and renewing the faith you once had in yourself...
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