Who’s sharpening you? Who has your back? Who‘s in your circle? Who‘s in your accountability circle? Who‘s on your team? Who has your blindspot?
Friends sharpen one another. Friends develop one another. Friends are not stumbling blocks. Friends are not obstacles. Friends help accelerate destiny. Friends are not competitive. Friends help you grow and develop. Friends are not an hindrance — they help you build.
An iron-sharpening friend is a gift from God. They are godly and wise counsel. They will correct you — in love. They will build you up. An iron-sharpening friend will strengthen and sharpen you. Notice, Proverbs 27:17 KJV declares, “Iron sharpeneth iron”. Iron-sharpening friendships are two-sided. Friends support one another. Iron-sharpening relationships are strategically placed in your life to help develop, strengthen, and sharpen you. Don’t build alone. Don’t construct alone. Sharpen together. Build together. Grow together.