One of the most fearful things in life is failure. Failure can lead to doubt, doubt can lead to procrastination, and procrastination can lead to regret. I don't know about you, but if The Lord is clearly calling me to step out in faith, I need to start placing one foot in front of the other. I don’t want to be on my deathbed and look back having regret at missed opportunities. Today we will be looking at an opportunity that I would be forever grateful to have. The opportunity to walk alongside my Savior in a place that no one else would ever imagine.
In Matthew 14: 22-29 we see a picture of the disciples in a boat on the Sea of Galilee. Jesus then shows himself to the disciples in a way that truly tests their faith. In verse 26 Matthew recalls the disciples as terrified to the point where they cried out in fear. If you've read this passage before it seems almost comical of the disciples to be unable to recognize their teacher. How many times in our lives has The Lord shown up and we've been unable to recognize Him? How many times has Jesus given you an opportunity, but you were unable to see it because you were 'too busy' with life?
In our text, Jesus spoke to the terrified disciples "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid." We see the very first thing Jesus spoke to the disciples was "Take Courage!" Jesus literally told them "Don’t be afraid." I pray that we truly take this text to heart. This is where stepping out in faith begins. While the disciples were in their boat being tossed by the waves and wind one disciple, Peter, took courage and replied to Jesus. Peter said, "Lord if it is you, tell me to come to you on the water." In one single word Jesus replied "Come." Peter then got down out of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus.
This is such a beautiful picture of Peter's obedience and acknowledgment to Jesus. If you know this passage you know what happens next, but for one second can we focus on the trust that Peter had in Jesus? He was willing to do something that was deemed impossible. Peter accomplished the impossible by focusing on and trusting in Jesus. Think about the impossible things in your life right now. If you are able to focus fully on Jesus and step out of the boat like Peter, do you believe that with Jesus you could accomplish the impossible? You can! If Jesus can walk with Peter on water, He can walk with you in your darkest days. It all begins with a single step and before you can fall you have to take a step of faith.
Today, I challenge you to become more aware of Jesus' presence in your everyday life. Our God is always chasing after us. He is always watching over us. Trust in Him and start to take that step of faith today.
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