If you have watched the Olympics, maybe you’ve seen what happens at the end of many races, particularly track & field events. As the competitors near the finish line, they often look over their shoulders to see how they’re doing compared to the rest of the field.
This is obviously helpful if you’re trying to win a race. But it’s a frustrating mistake to do the same thing in your daily life—look to your left and right to see how you stack up to those around you.
Life unfolds in seasons. And comparing your life or accomplishments to someone else—especially someone who may be in a different season of life than you—can trick you into feeling like you’re falling behind, “chasing after the wind.”
So, the question for today is: Where Am I?
Here are five seasons of life. Identifying which season you’re currently in can release the anxiety of having more or doing more than your season requires.
Foundation (0–20 years old): Being influenced by parents, peers, and pivotal circumstances
Preparation (20-30): Gathering education and experiences, making initial choices in love and lifestyle
Initiation (30–40): Learning your strengths and weaknesses as you expand your responsibility at work and home
Domination (40–60): Applying yourself toward accomplishing God’s assignment for you
Consolidation (60+): Narrowing in on your legacy, resolving hurt relationships
Identify which one of the five seasons you are currently in. Then list the two or three people to whom you most often compare yourself (hint: consider work, family, and leisure). Are those people in the same season as you?
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